Saturday, March 14, 2009

No new pictures.....sorry

I have been really busy at work trying to bring in as much commercial business as I can. I also will be n Tualitin for the next 6 months the first Tuesday & Wednesday of each month to attend a Team Development Program. It's a program you had to be selected to attend, there are only 20 people in the class from Oregon & Washington. I hope it will enable me to implement a new approach as to who I am and where I'd like to improve. Anything to help is always a good thing.

I got a call from Joe Wednesday, he was super ticked off. He had come home from work and heard the dogs barking so he stood at the top of the back steps to see Duke chewing up our railing around our deck. He did all he cold to go and beat the damn dog but couldn't catch him....I say shoot the stupid thing and be done with him. Anyway, he ate 4 our the pickets and a few of the larger posts. It's bad enough that the dogs constantly piss and poop all over our they are destroying it. Joe has had it. Needless to say Jaris is in the process of putting up an electric fence downstairs to move them off our deck. Joe says if they do anything to destroy that area they will be missing dogs. We just find it so disrespectful that the dogs are not taken care of. They need to be walked daily at least once if not twice and trained to NOT POOP on my deck.....nothing like trying to eat dinner as you're looking a piles, yes I mean piles of dog is so stinking gross.

Today Joe is outside covering up a vent to keep the birds from nesting in it. He is also taking down the satellite dishes on the deck, never understood why DishNetwork was so retarded and put them there in the first place. After he is done doing that Jaris & Joe will work on the deck.

For those of you who don't know or haven't heard yet we are going to put on house up for sale. We are using Century 21 just to see what price they come up with but will list with United Country, we like the concept of the company much better since they specialize in waterfront properties. They will do an virtual tour and have it on the Internet in the US, Europe and other countries. We hope that even though the economy totally blows we will be able to sell our home quickly. It been a great place to live and we will miss it a lot, not only our home and are fabulous view but our neighbors too......except Paul of course.

I've been sick with a horrible bladder infection and clogged ears, the Dr. put me on antibiotics...yeast infection here I come (lucky me!)....and said I have allergies that's why my ears are clogged so they put me on allergy meds....whatever!

Looks like Jaris & Nichole are looking for a place to live, some place that will allow dogs.


Kimi said...

It sounds like it is more then time for them to find their own place. I just hope they remember Austin's safty and happiness too when choosing a place to live.
I too hope your house sells quickly for you guys.
Love and miss you!

PS That is NOT nice your word verification was FATTI

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...


I feel for you guys and your frustrations with those dogs. I am suprised they are still alive after that. Sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you get to feeling better soon. You should be proud of yourself being one of 20 picked for those classes, plus it gives you an excuse to come see Addison at least once a month. We like having you.

I hope you house sells quickly and for a fair price. You guys need a good deal for once. I hope Jaris and Nicky find a place quickly too. They need their own place. They should have been saving their money all along, they knew this day was coming.

Well, get to feeling better soon. I love and miss you guys.

Rach said...

HAHAHA Sorry about the dogs, that ones a bummer! I thought they had Duke and...mocha? is it? pretty much trained!?!
On the other hand, WHY ARE YOU SELLING YOUR HOUSE? I thought you loved it? Are you wanting to move closer to town again?

Willie Fun said...

Sorry about you not feeling well. I just heard from Mom that you guys are putting your house up for sale. It is time to down size and move closer to town. Things are hard out there right now and the more you can do to leave on what you make and not feel so strapped every month then there will be less stress (well maybe). I went through the dog thing and about every other weekend I have it again so I know how you feel. I will be redoing my backyard hopefully this summer because of all the holes he made and the dead lawn yet I think what good is it going to do if I have cooper around still. Why do people like dogs anyway. Unless they care for them and have a proper place for them it isn't fair for the dogs and that is why they destroy things. Great news about you getting picked to do your classes I know you will use what you will learn and bring more business and more training into you employment. Linden is working still at the State he is just trying to get a better paying job to support Nathan on his mission @ $400.00 a month. He met with the stake president Sunday and so his papers should be turned in this week sometime. Matt just came and visited for a few days and picked up a car to take back to Utah. He is still living with Pam. I don't know how much longer that will last since he doesn't really support his own way. I don't know why some kids just haven't got it yet on respect and paying their fair share. Everything will improve with you guys if you can get a good price on your house and it sells quickly. So good luck on that. Keep your chin up and feel better.