Sunday, October 11, 2009

My first cake

Alright this is not great because we ere really rushed in class going from one technique to another but I gave it an attempt. It's veru ujuvenile but hey it's what they had us make. It's a white cake with raspberry filling w/butter cream frosting. I opted not to do the writing because I felt way to rush.
My next class I'll be learning to make roses - yeah!! I can't wait.


Kimi said...

Looks good & tasty!I know you will love doing this on the side..maybe you can do it for a side job/hobby for birthdays and anniversaries only. You could make some extra money on the side doing it. I wish I knew how to do pretty cakes!

Willie Fun said...

So what's this, you get to spend time enjoying something and learning a new talent at the same time. That is great, everyone needs to have something to do to pass the time when things are rough. I have a son who will be home from Utah next week for his birthday how about trying a cake for us?