Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby Rylan

Wow...what an ordeal for Kim. After suffering from Acute Pancreatitis, gallstones, kidney stone, Cdiff, gestational diabetes, hypertension and preclamcia baby Rylan was born on May12th at 10:30 pm weighing 5 lbs 14oz and 19 3/4" in length. Kim was one sick woman so bad we really thought she wasn't going to make it but she saw the light and knew she was still needed here. I also had a premonition that she left us so needles to say I was scared to death not knowing what to expect. Kim spent 20 days in the hospital and had Rylan c-section then 6 days latter had her gall bladder removed. Both surgeries were more complicated than expected. Kim had a hole in her fallopian tube and things had adhered to placed that shouldn't have along with the fact they found a large mass...which we still don't have the results of. Her gall bladder when cut opened should have been the consistency of apple juice, however not in her case, it was the consistency of thick dark pudding and full of stones, they call this sludge, all of which would have eventually turned into gall stones. Just want to say thank you for every ones prayers on Kim & Rylan's behalf. Kim and baby Rylan are home. Kim is not out of the woods yet due to the Acute Pancreatitis.

Here are a couple pictures I hope you enjoy.


Kirsten & Midge said...

My goodness what a rough pregnancy. Congratulations of the birth of the baby and I hope mommy gets feeling better.