Sunday, August 8, 2010

I did it! I ran my first 5K

5k Love Run 8/7/2010

So I'm going thru mid life crisis and have decided it was time to do something to get myself in shape. Amber & Jon having recently ran their first 10k and half marathon taught me that I can do it to.
August 7th was a donation only run for congenital heart defect research and all donations go to Doernbecher's Children's Hospital. I went around the neighborhood and was able to get a few donations to help the cause.
I ran/waled with Laura Leon - I owe her a HUGE thank your for staying by my side throughout the entire race. We kept our momentum by running 2 minutes and then walking 3 minutes. At the last leg we decided to kick it up a notch and sprint the remaining part. It's amazing how the adrenaline kicks in and I was able to accomplish my goal. Since I had never ran a race before I as just guessing a goal of completing the race in 50 minutes, however, I did it in just 44.40 Yeah!

My next goal is to run the entire 5k 10-10-10 for the Race for the Cure in Eugene.


Kimi said...

Good job Mom I am proud of you

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Awesome job Mom, I'm so proud of you. You did it!!! Keep up the good work. I'm jealous I'm not out there running with you. Soon as I have this baby it is back to running and we can do a race together k!?!

Willie Fun said...

You are amazing to have decided to do this and accomplish it. I know that I wouldn't even try something like that,(way to fat)I'm excited that you surpassed your goal. Next time you will do even better. Keep up the work and it is good to have a goal and shoot for it.

Tim said...

Congratulations!! That is an amazing accomplishment. Keep up the good work.