Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Dallin

We hope you have a super fun birthday with your family & friends. Nana & Papa sure do weish we could be there with you to celebrate your birthday. Have a super duper fun day playing, eating cake, and opening your presents. We love you so very much.


Here are some pictures of Dallin throughtout the years.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

What a crazy week

Started off with me going to Portland for a TDP class for State Farm on Tuesday & Wednesday. I spent the night at Amber & Jon's, took them to a Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Amber & Jon went on a date....yeah! meanwhile I had the privilege of playing with Addison and getting her down for bed.what a sweet baby she is, I love her so much. Thank you Amber & Jon for putting me up once a month and for having such a beautiful baby girl that I get to be Nana to.

Thursday I had more meeting then afterwards took my 1/2 day off work. Picked up Austin then off to Verizon I went. So far I have to say I absolutely hate my phone (this is now my 2nd one in less than two weeks) their service sucks so if things are better by Monday morning I will be cancelling my contract with them and switching back to AT&T. Austin thank goodness was super good while waiting with me a Verizon for nearly 2 hours. We then cam home and played and cleaned house.

Friday was a normal day at work until Kim called to say Dallin was stung multiple times by African Killer Bees. I felt sick when she told me what had happened. Needless to say I was worried about him the rest of the day and into the night as he went first to the doctor then later to the ER (read Kim's blog for details). I am so thankful to hear he is back to himself this morning. Needless to say, I don't think bees will be in his top 1000 of insects he will ever like. So sorry Dallin had to experience such a tragic event. We love you!

Joe and I went to the movie, ate way to much popcorn and I'm still feeling the pain.

This morning we are driving to Medford as I am going to sing in Sacrament Meeting tomorrow with Gerry Crowe. As of right now I have no clue what we are even going to sing. The pianist blew a disk in her back so they are giving the music to another pianist, if she can't play it, we will sing something else, what? I have no idea. I guess s this is what they mean when they say "winging it" Lucky me! I will be chalking this up as another "experience" that I hope to never repeat.

Still no one had come to look at our home, ugh! We need to sell it so I can pay off our debts. I am so sick of being in debited to so many people, creditors, ect. One we are out of debt this time I hope we never go there again. It is such a heavy burden to carry.

Speaking of burdens I heard a great saying this week "prayer is when your burdens change shoulders". I thought that was a very profound statement.

Off to Medford we go..............

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Congratualtions Sofia

Wow - I can't believe Sofia is already graduated from kindergarten - we are so proud of her for all she did this last year now she moving to 1st grade. (sorry Kim I'm stealing some of your pictures for my blog since I wasn't there to take some my own) Sofia you are one beautiful little girl with such a tender heart. We know you' have been an excellent student for Mrs. Hampton and that you will miss her very much. I know she is going to miss you too - you are such a wonderful, and sweet girl to be around. We wish with all our hearts we could have been there this year to watch you play soccer, and participate in your school programs and just watch you
grow. You are so beautiful! We love you will all our hearts.