Saturday, September 6, 2008

Amber ~ Jon & Addison finally meet Austin

Amber was so anxious to finally see her little nephew and I know she felt it was well worth the wait.
For another gift for me Joe arranged to have my portrait taken with Austin & Addison at JC Penney. I will post the pictures once I get them in a couple weeks.
We had a BBQ tonight,...chicken, corn on the cob, salad, fresh fruit, then cake & ice cream for dessert.
Took pictures of two our our adorable grand babies. It was really good day........I really need it. So thank you Amber, Jon & Addison for coming all the way down. Sorry you left so late and weren't going to get home until after midnight.
Tomorrow is a big day for Austin as he will be getting blessed at church. Addison will be having more pictures taken and I will be in the kitchen cooking lasagna, garlic bread, and preparing for all the guest after the blessing.


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

It was really nice to be able to come down and see you guys. The food was great and the cake was excellent.

I was very happy to see Austin finally. Having the pictures done was great. The kids and you looked great. I can't wait to get the pics.

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

P.S. we didn't get home til 1:30am with having to stop at two places for gas because the people in Thurston sucked and then i had to feed her in Salem and then we stopped in to see my co-workers. It was a LONG trip and I was fast to sleep by 2:00am I fed her.

Kimi said...

I am so happy Amber, Jon, and Addison go to meet Austin. I know how it feels to be waiting...and waiting...and waiting to meet someone and I am so happy they got to meet Austin. I love both of those babies so much!