Sunday, July 27, 2008

More fishing....

Look at what we caught! Wow we had fun. Just look at the smile on Sofia & Dallin's faces. Jaris your the best Uncle ever!!!

Now that's a fishing story.....

Thank you Jaris for showing everyone a great time fishing. Sofia & Dallin had a blast reeling in all the fish. 15 caught but only brought home 11. Sofia can't wait for her Uncle Jaris to take her out fishing again.

The Sabin's are here on vacation

Kim & the kids will be staying with us until August 22nd in anticipation the new babies will be born. Jasper left today to go back to Texas.
This picture is at Leaburg Dam where we took everyone fishing.

Now that's a fish story...

Jaris sure knows how to pick a great fishing hole to entertain Sofia & Dallin. It was fun watching the excitement on their little faces as they reeled in fish after fish on Saturday night. I believe 15 fish were caught but only kept 11. Sofia is already asking her Uncle Jaris when he is taking her fishing again.

NEHS 30 yr Class Reunion

It was fun attending the Friday night social gathering of my high school class. It was fun reminiscing about the yesteryears. I am looking forward to staying in contact with all the kids I once attended seminary with and keeping a bit more up to speed on things.
What I attended was a lot of fun. I'm looking for to the next one. Meanwhile I hope everyone stays happy & healthy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sofia is quite the story teller...

Sofia called and we were having such a great conversation this morning. She was telling me how her Mommy is teaching her how to write stories and asked me if I wanted to hear one of the stories she made up, of course, I said "yes".....

"There were these people and they were leopards and they had a disease, I think it was allergies"
I said "Do you mean Leprosy"
Sofia said "Is that' what it's called?"
I said "yes, sweetie it is"
She went on to say "Oh, I didn't know that"
"Well, Jesus made them all better and they all went away, but one came back."
I asked "Then what happened?"
she replied "He said Thank you!"
I thought that was such a sweet story. I love my converation with Sofia she is such a wonderful, tender hearted little girl.
I can't wait until I can have this type of conversation with ALL my grandkids. I love them all so much.
Thank you Sofia for sharing your story with me, it put a smile on my face all day long.
I love you sweetie!

Friday, July 11, 2008

My sassy new hair style

Well what's your opinion of my new hair style?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thank You!

Amber & Jon thank you for spending the afternoon and evening with us, it is always great to see you both. Dinner was really good. The best part was hearing what our granddaughters name will be. I won't post it just in case you don't want everyone else to know yet... but I can say I love her name....great choice!

Jaris & Nichole thank you too for revealing our grandsons name it is very cute & very fitting plus what a great story you will have to tell him to the significance of his name as he grows up.

Amber the cowboy hat and outfit are adorable, I can't wait to see him in it.

I'll be up to see you soon.

Sorry Sofia I had to cut our conversation short but Auntie Ambie and Uncle Jon were telling Nana their baby girls name. I love you sweetie! Dallin 'ditto" to you and I love you too.

I am so excited to know that withing a few short weeks...ok maybe not for the pregnant girls..but soon we will be welcoming our two new grandbabies. The race is on to see which one is our 3rd & 4th grandchild. We love them already.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Anyone looking for a job?

Sofia, thank you for the sweet message on my phone you always bring a smile to my face.

Amber, we are looking forward to your visit tomorrow...we love having you come to visit. We just wish it could be longer. We are so happy all is well with you & the baby.

Work is becoming really challenging really put a huge burden on the office, not as far as morale goes, but as far as having coverage. It will leave just Daisy & I to run the office. There's nothing like being screwed over by a co-worker! So where does that leave me when Amber & Nichole have their babies? All I can say is I WILL be there no matter what. If you know of someone that is loking for work, a good person, can multi task, smart, and quick learner please send them my way. The sooner I can get someone in and trained the more relief I will feel and it will free me up to spen the time off I need to be with my kids & grandbabies.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

God Bless America

We will be celebrating by attending to the
Eugene '08 Festival followed by BBQ & fireworks. Happy 4th of July