Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thank You!

Amber & Jon thank you for spending the afternoon and evening with us, it is always great to see you both. Dinner was really good. The best part was hearing what our granddaughters name will be. I won't post it just in case you don't want everyone else to know yet... but I can say I love her name....great choice!

Jaris & Nichole thank you too for revealing our grandsons name it is very cute & very fitting plus what a great story you will have to tell him to the significance of his name as he grows up.

Amber the cowboy hat and outfit are adorable, I can't wait to see him in it.

I'll be up to see you soon.

Sorry Sofia I had to cut our conversation short but Auntie Ambie and Uncle Jon were telling Nana their baby girls name. I love you sweetie! Dallin 'ditto" to you and I love you too.

I am so excited to know that withing a few short weeks...ok maybe not for the pregnant girls..but soon we will be welcoming our two new grandbabies. The race is on to see which one is our 3rd & 4th grandchild. We love them already.


Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

Glad we could finally spill the beans. It is a relief. Dinner was good and it was nice seeing you guys. I wish we could do it more often.

Kimi said...

I can't wait to see the sweet little babies too! I hope the girls are ready to go on lots of walks...becasue tht is what we will be doing after we get there! Yeap we plan on putting them both into laybor so that we can be right there when they have the babies!!! :)
I LOVE both of the names!! And I have to say I guessed them both...I guess it was ment to be!