Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Anyone looking for a job?

Sofia, thank you for the sweet message on my phone you always bring a smile to my face.

Amber, we are looking forward to your visit tomorrow...we love having you come to visit. We just wish it could be longer. We are so happy all is well with you & the baby.

Work is becoming really challenging really put a huge burden on the office, not as far as morale goes, but as far as having coverage. It will leave just Daisy & I to run the office. There's nothing like being screwed over by a co-worker! So where does that leave me when Amber & Nichole have their babies? All I can say is I WILL be there no matter what. If you know of someone that is loking for work, a good person, can multi task, smart, and quick learner please send them my way. The sooner I can get someone in and trained the more relief I will feel and it will free me up to spen the time off I need to be with my kids & grandbabies.


Kimi said...

If you can some how convence Dave to outsourse some of the work. I could help? I know that isn't going to help. But I thought I would offer!

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...

I hope you find someone soon cause I might need your help with Jon going back to work right away.

Karen K. said...

Hi!!! It's Karen and I found your blog. Seriously, are you still looking for someone to work for you? I know it was mentioned at the shower last night... lemme' know.My blog address is knerrfamily.blogspot.com and you can just comment there if you still need someone. :)

I'm at work and shouldn't be on here so will check out your blog later--I was just curious though and couldn't help myself from a quick search...