Sunday, November 2, 2008

911 - Ambulance - Hospital

I've had quite the week and 1/2. It all started last week with me having some achiness in my chest then Friday after leaving Jon's birthday party I got heartburn like never before. Not only was it the heartburn but Nichol's snoring was awful, she flipping' gurgles when she snores. I was having such awful flash back of when my Dad died that I couldn't handle it anymore, I really thought I was going to throw up right then. I leaned forward and asked Joe to pull over NOW so she did at some podunk town. I got out of the car and vomited then I got the rolaids out of my purse in the trunk hopign that would help. The ride home was miserable. Then I was up most of the night because I couldn't kick the darn heartburn. Saturday I felt completely out of it and just wasn't myself,I was having some chest pains....then Sunday came and went and I felt the same except the chest pains were increasing.

By Monday morning I made a Dr. appointment, they got me right in. The Dr. was really rude and sarcastic, I wanted to slap the stupid woman but I didn't have enough strength. She sent me in for an EKG and a bunch of blood work. Everything cam back normal, except my chest pains were increasing and my left arm was really achy. I went back to work and with everything that is happening there and with finances, and just the crap that goes on from day to day I was a complete mess.

My pains continued to increase throughout the rest of the week. Then yesterday the pain was intensifying so I walked across the street to Lance & Laura's house to ask for an aspirin, since I didn't have any. They asked what was wrong, sheesh........I shouldn't even take without tearing up. I was trying really hard to put on my brave face, but they weren't' buying it, not one bit. They asked where Joe was and I told them I had been trying to call him all day but was unsuccessful, he was gone hunting. Laura decided to take my blood pressure it was 148/100, after another chest pain and trying my best to relax she took my blood pressure again 139/105 and boom a big chest pain hit me this time I felt like someone was standing on my chest and the teard really began to flow. Lance called Joe, then he called 911. Next thing I know Joe is there, Gerry from down the street, Lynn & Ryan with their baby, Jaris & Nichole w/Austin and about 6 EMT's. I was so embarrassed. They check my blood pressure, not sure what it was, the check my blood sugar and it was good, not bad considering all I had ate all day was a piece of toast and a brownie with a Pepsi. They ran an EKG, Gerry looked at it and I looked up at her and asked her what she thought I should do, since she is a retired charge nurse in critical care department. She said I need to go to the hospital and go by ambulance. So I did.

In the ambulance I was hooked up to an IV, given more aspirin, and a nitro.......finally some relief, the chest paina were subsiding after the nitro. Joe actually beat the ambulance to the hospital.

At the hospital I was given Nexum intravenously, draw more blood, another EKG and hooked up to a heart monitor. My heart rate was down to 52 but mostly around the 54 to 55 rate. My blood pressure took a while to come down but it finally did, what a relief. After a couple hours, several text messages later from our girls and phone call from Jaris, I was told my EKG looked fine, but that I need to call my Dr. first thing Monday morning to get in for a stress test. They gave me nitro and direction on how and when to take it. Then we were released and sent home.

I was woke up during the night with one really hard pain, other than that I've had several lighter pains through today but none that were alarming.

So thank you all for your love and concern. I just need to de-stress my life........yeah if that is ever going to happen. Meanwhile I will go have the stress test,wait for the Dr and ambulance bills to pile in so I can be medically broke along with everything else.

I will update everyone once I get the test results from the stress test. Again thanks for all your love and support. I love you all.


Sam and Josh said...

We hope you start feeling better! If you need anything let us know! Try some Reggae music I heard it helps with stress! We will keep you in our prayers!

Karen K. said...

Debbie!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. That is so scary. Now I'm worried about you. Did I read right that the tests aren't really showing much? I tend to skim really fast when I'm reading so I can get to the outcome... bad, I know. I went to the doctor the other day cuz I had such bad heartburn that I was crying. It came on suddenly too. I didn't have the chest pains though--at least not that degree. I know the symptoms of heart attacks in women but didn't want to go in for fear of looking stupid (now that's stupid, isn't it?). Anyway, I finally went in a couple of hours later and the dumb doctor doesn't tell me that it was good that I came in--she tells me "Promise me you'll never google your symptoms again!" Grrrrr. That's the reason women don't want to go in. Anyway, I'm waiting to see if I have an ulcer of all things. I have a huge amount of stress (brought on by myself of course) too. Anyway, not that you needed to hear my story but I just thought about rude and insensitive doctors and had to share. My prayers are with you. Now calm down and start being a Type B personality. hmmmm, is there such a thing???

Karen K. said...

Sheesh. I sound so selfish in that last comment. Is there anything I can do for you? At least we can lament together. Or compare meds! Love ya!

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...


I am so relieved you are doing better today, but I am still so concerned. I will be there for you for sure for your stress test. You just say where and when and I will be there. I really hope this is all stress, but I know a little too much about heart problems and I am worried sick.

You need to FORGET about the bills, work, and all other stressors in your life. It doesn't help with your chest pain. You need to relax and let others do things for you.

Since Jaris and Nicky live there now, you need to have them help. You are not the maid, cook, personal baby-sitter or anything else. Same goes for Dad. You need to be #1 right now.

For once in your life, put you first. And Dad, you need to be home more with Mom. She needs you. She needs your help with the house work and bills. She needs less stress and with you hunting all the time it just makes things harder for her. Thank you for being at the hospital with her. I know she needed you more than anything. I wish I could have been there too.

I love you Mom. Please stay on top of this. I am so worried about you. I love you and I miss you!

(Mom-p.s. spell check :') lol!)

Willie Fun said...

Well Deb I think that it has been said by all that you need to take care of yourself and stop worrying so much. It is not worth it. Things will work out one way or the other. You need to be around to enjoy the real happiness and joy that life has to offer and not worry about work and other things they are all material things and that needs to be just let go and enjoy the real blessings you have been given. Your family and friends are here for you. Go and visit your grandkids next week and relax. Come back and think of nothing but the joy they bring into your life, that is what matters. You have been given much and and think of that. It is easy to say but it is hard to do so do your best to relax. You need to get your eating under control that pepsi and candy needs to be gone and put some exercise and a balance diet into your life. Ye coming from me that sounds funny but it might help. I love you and pray that things get better. Think about yourself and worry less.

Bethany said...

Crazy scary story. Hope you don't mind that I was reading your blog. I found you through Amber (you might recognize Bogardus as being my maiden name). I'll keep you in my prayers.