Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Test results

Yesterday, I went to Oregon Cardiology at River Bend to have the Rest/Stress Myocardial Perfusion (MPI) SPECT. The results are the the overall impression of the results and the stress electrocardiogram combined with my age, sex, symptons, and coronary risk factors. The study was performed in order to evaluate coronary artery disease in me since I have had a history of chest pain. Symptoms include atypical chest pain.

* Exercise duration was 10:15 minutes to a heart rate of 156 (91% of maximum predicted). Exercise was terminated because of generalized fatigue. (too bad Jillian wasn't there screaming in my face to push me harder - maybe I'd loose some weight) No chest discomfort or other anginal symptoms occurred during the study. The resting blood pressure was 112/70 and maximum blood pressure was 170/80 (a far cry from what it was Saturday the 1st). The resting ECG showed low voltage QRS. The stress ECG revealed no ST segment depression (so I'm not depressed!)

* Exercise(Same day protocol) gated myocardial perfusion SPECT (stress/rest sestamibi) demonstrated no perfusion abnormalities. Thank goodness!

* Resting gated SPECT revealed an ejection fraction of 87% with end-diastolic volume of 51 ml. Post exercise resting gated SPECT revealed a normal left ventricular ejection fraction of 80% with end-diastolic volume of 47 ml and no wall motion abnormalities. Resting and exercise post stress gated SPECT revealed no wall motion abnormalities.

* In conclusion:
Perfusion: Normal
Clinical Response: Nonischemic
Gated Function: Normal
ECG Response: Nonischemic

These test results indicate a low (<10%) likelihood for the presence of angiographically significant coronary artery disease.

Thank you Amber & Addison for going with me to the appointment. Sorry I didn't get to spend much time with you. I so wish we had more time together. You are always so willing to jump in the care and be here at a minutes notice. I love you so much. You are always so supportive, kind and extremely generous.

Thank you Joe for all you love and constant support. I love you with every fiber of my being, without you who knows where I'd be.

Kim & Jaris thank you for your love and support.

Tomorrow, I leave for Texas, at least now I can going knowing my heart is ok. I just need to remember to RELAX and have fun.

I'm more than ready to walk away from work for a bit, it has been a huge burden weighing on my shoulders lately.

Ok, I need to go make dinner, even thought it's not my night to do it. Hint Hint Hint.

Have a great rest of the evening. I need to go to bed early to leave by 5:15 am to board the airplane. I will miss my dear husband, I really don't like being away from him. I am looking forward to spending time with Kimi, Sofia and Dallin again. I really wish they lived back in Oregon so we could all get together more often.

Ok, I've now written a novel time to stop.


Kimi said...

I am glad to hear that it isn't your heart, but I am still worried about you!

I am hope you can have a good time while you are here visiting and be relaxed!

We love you and can't wait to see you tomorrow!!

Willie Fun said...

Sorry Deb I didn't know that you were going to be having these test while we were gone. Glad to hear that it is just stress. So take your doctors advise and calm down and enjoy life. Have fun with the grandkids and don't let work get to you. Enjoy the time off work.

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...


Anytime and I'll be there, you know that. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am glad to hear the stress test was normal, but that doesn't mean take the chest pain lightly. Stay on top of it because it could be something that isn't showing up yet.

I do think you need to emlimate some stressors in your life and I think Jaris and Nicky need to do more. Like help with cooking, cleaning, and watch their own child. They are the parents rememeber that. Make them take responsibility. You are just the Nana and shouldn't have to raise him.

RELAX and have fun in Texas. Give the kids lots of kisses. We sure miss them. Tell Kim I said Hi and that I love her. Don't let things stress you out there and just have fun doing simple things...walks, parks, site seeing, etc!

Well, I love you and miss you. Have fun.