Monday, November 3, 2008


Ok, I'm still not up to par but doing better.

Here is my update... Yes, I am still having chest pains but only 2 have been strong enough to really get my attention but not strong enough to take a nitro. My left arm continues to ache,feel numb and tingly for the most part.

I called my Dr. and finally this afternoon they call me just to say they received my paperwork from McKenzie Willamette Hospital. Oregon Cardiology is to call me wither Tuesday or Wednesday to schedule a stress test. Once I have that I will update everyone.
Meanwhile, I will be fine, no worries. As I am looking forward Sofia turning 6 years old tomorrow - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOFIA - I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I really wish I could be there to celebrate with you. Also I get the privilege of baby-sitting Addison on Wednesday, then next week I will be flying to Texas to visit with Kimi and her family and staying at a brand new resort.

Thanks again for all you love and concern.


Kimi said...

I know you are NOT doing have had pains all day long. I am so worried about you.

I want you to take care of yourself first!

If you are not doing any better by the time that you are suppose to come next week you better stay home and take care of yourself. That is the most important thing to us.

We too are very excited for Sofia's birthday tomorrow. I can't believe she is going to be 6 years old. Time does really fly.

We love you so much! Take car of yourself.

Sisters: Chunky to Skinny said...


I am glad to hear you are going to be seeing a cardiologist. That gives me a sense of relief. Just let me know when and I will be there. Thanks for coming to watch Addison tomorrow. I know she will love spending time with you.

Continue to take care of yourself and promise you won't let things in Texas stress you out. K see ya tonight!